Blog: Surprise!
Somebody told us recently that crisis reveals character. These recent turbulent times have unexpectedly brought clarity and purpose to our charity, a deep understanding that what we do matters and with whom and how we do it even more. We have acquired new individual and group awareness of the intertwined needs and aspirations of the staff, including trustees and volunteers, and the people we work with, all the shapers and the capers.
Dundee Dance Partnership
As the end of 2020 approaches, we reflect on a year that has brought disruptions to our work, has caused many concerns and yet has revealed an agile, decisive, and resilient team that has worked with the profound intuitive knowledge that we had something invaluable to offer, that this was the time to throw ourselves into the deep and roll up the sleeves to get working. Immediately. Without thinking. Servicing others.
This solidarity drive has brought us an array of new collaborators, participants, and experiences, great enlightening knowledge on the importance of coherence and alignment to our shared principles and those of our partners and supporters, the shapers and capers.
At The McManus
We continue to strengthen the pillars of our charity through brave attitudes at personal and collective levels that at times seem to align to those of the Stoics: wisdom, justice, courage, and temperance -and that doesn’t mean we have them but that we strive for these! Our values, however, we abide for and keep reminding each other of their existence at difficult times to help us anchor our choices and behaviours: Respect, Kindness, Cooperation, and Humour. The continuous test of four.
We feel grateful to be supported by great people, the unique individuals we work with and those representing organisations as partners and funders, many of whom we do not know personally, yet we connect at meaningful levels, building together infrastructures for social wellness and fair opportunities across strata. These connections with others are sometimes so strong that occasionally we vibe and dance to the wider collective forces of grief, or loss, or joy, or love. And that’s when we are reminded to keep open, to harness and share the power of the arts, using it and offering it as a healing tool much needed during a crisis; reminded to accept and receive the grace and compassion of others to keep nurtured and dance, and give, and build. Start again.
As Dundee’s councillor John Alexander said, this is the time to Build Back Better. A time to query, reflect, propose, innovate, investigate, collaborate, grow…A time to share and learn from each other, to help us and others become better versions of our/themselves, to thrive and enjoy the common project: one that speaks of fairness, truth, inclusion, respect, and joy. The joy of dancing, expressing with and through the body, embracing music, spaces, and others. When is safe. Always. Soon. Very soon.
We have surprised ourselves of the character that was revealed to us during these difficult times. Pleasantly surprised. And we are building from here. More. Better. Global. You are welcome to join us.
Steven Brown photograph. V&A Dundee, 3D Festival