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Shaper/Caper is delighted to deliver an online taster session for our new project for people over 40 from culturally diverse backgrounds called LOVE/LIFE.

LOVE/LIFE was originally delivered in partnership with Active Fife and Alzheimer’s Scotland for people in care homes around Fife. We worked with older people and their families and carers to develop a unique dance workshop that gets everyone chatting about their favourite memories about dancing through the years.  We explore the power of dance and music using it as a tool to reconnect with memories and physicality. 

We have now developed LOVE/LIFE into an online seated dance class for people from all cultural backgrounds. In these sessions we will engage with participant’s backgrounds and dance from different cultures to learn and explore creatively around the world (from the comfort of our living room!)

When and where?

This taster session will be held on Monday 1st March on the Zoom app (can be accessed via a laptop, mobile or tablet) from 6:30pm-8pm. The taster is free for people attend thanks to generous funding from The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust.

To register or for more information:

Please contact:

Yolanda Aguilar
Executive Director at Shaper/Caper
Via email here
Call 01382 413 007 or text 07960 40 60 96

Thanks to The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust for supporting this project.

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Later Event: 1 March
The In/Out Crowd - Episode 15